Volunteer to Work in Acton Conservation Lands

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Acton Conservation Land Volunteer
Thank-you for your interest in volunteering with Acton Land Stewards!

Volunteering is open to people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. Landscaping, gardening and construction skills are appreciated but not required. A list of common tasks can be found below to help guide your volunteer decisions.

Volunteer tasks range from physically strenuous to moderate, and you can choose days and times that are convenient for you. For comfort and safety, volunteers need to wear sturdy shoes and dress for weather conditions, including waterproofing for damp conditions. Bug spray and sun block is essential.

We will let you know if we will be able to provide the necessary tools such as rakes and loppers and may ask you to bring your own if we are in short supply. On occasion, we will provide snacks, extra water and bug spray for busier workdays and projects when larger groups are expected.

Some of the risks of outdoor work include working with sharp tools like pruners, hand saws and shovels. Poison ivy, wood and deer ticks that may carry Lyme and other diseases, mosquitoes, and a variety of other insects, reptiles, birds and woodland animals may be seen around work sites.


Please fill out one questionnaire per volunteer (you can add your children on this same form)
Families, students and senior citizens are all welcome to volunteer!
We will do our best to contact you for the types of tasks you are looking for.Thank-you for volunteering!

Any questions?
Contact us at lsc@acton-ma.gov or call the Natural Resources office at  (978) 929-6634

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* Indicates required question
Your Name *
Your answer
Names and Grades of Your Children Volunteering
(if any) Example: Alex, Grade 5; Pat, Grade 10
Your answer
Your Address
You can skip the City, State, Zip if you live in Acton.
Your answer
Email *
Your answer
Cell Phone
Your answer
Home Phone
Your answer
What's the best way to reach you?
Clear selection
Emergency Contact Name *
Your answer
Emergency Contact Phone *
Your answer
Your age
Your answer
Days of the Week you can Volunteer
Times of Day you can Volunteer
Where do you want to Volunteer
What do you want to do to help?
Specific skills or abilities?
Carpentry and/or power tools; chain saw (training and experience required); horticulture; trail design and improvement; etc.
Your answer
Specific limits or disabilities?
Anything that you want to tell us that would help us best match your skills with our tasks, or help us figure out how to accommodate you, such as allergies,  issues with walking, limits on carrying things, or how long you can work.
Your answer
Why are you volunteering?
Community service hours; give back to the community; love the outdoors; conservationist; meet new people; or what else?
Your answer
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