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October 2017
Assabet River Blue and Green Trail Work Weekend:
Task: assembling pre-built wooden boardwalks along trail. Meet at Acton Wastewater Treatment Plant on Adams Street (driveway opposite #29 Adams Street) drive down to the bottom and park on the right side of driveway. Do not block garage door. Bring a bottle of water for yourself and leather work gloves if you have them. And a hammer if you have one. Wear clothes and shoes that can get muddy. Email Bettina Abe, Natural Resources Assistant, so I know how many…
Find out more »Assabet River Blue and Green Trail Work Weekend:
Task: assembling pre-built wooden boardwalks along trail. Meet at Acton Wastewater Treatment Plant on Adams Street (driveway opposite #29 Adams Street) drive down to the bottom and park on the right side of driveway. Do not block garage door. Bring a bottle of water for yourself and leather work gloves if you have them. And a hammer if you have one. Wear clothes and shoes that can get muddy. Email Bettina Abe, Natural Resources Assistant, so I know how many…
Find out more »Remove old Bog Boardwalk Supports
Please join the Land Stewardship Committee as we finish up the job of removing the old Arboretum Bog Boardwalk. Sunday October 15 at 2PM. In August we pulled out half of them, now it is time to finish the job.This is a rare opportunity to help with a LSC project that involves no Poison Ivy! These are pieces of telephone poles lying in the mud. Bring gloves, and expect to get very muddy. Please contact Joe Holmes 978-635-1982, so…
Find out more »November 2017
Meadow Brush Clearing
Please join the Land Stewards on Sunday November 5, 2 to 4 PM as we defend one of our meadows against forest succession. The town of has now mowed the back meadow at the arboretum which we cleared back in May. So now we can see what remains to be cleared. Tasks include: Hauling brush and logs out of the meadow; Cutting down small trees which the mower could not reach; Removing rocks which have rolled off the stone walls…
Find out more »December 2017
Bittersweet Clearing Work Party
Bittersweet Clearing Work Party at Morrison Farm Shed, Saturday Dec 9, 2017 1PM Please help the Acton Land Stewardship Committee repair the shed at Morrison Farm where we store our field mower. The shed roof has blown off. The first thing we need to do is remove the bittersweet which has covered the whole shed. Tools needed are work gloves, hand snippers, branch loppers, weed wrenches, and ladders. Please contact me so I know how many to expect. Email at…
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